Bringing New Life to Industry Aviation Panels
We’ve been busy prototyping a design that we believe will be perfect for all your needs. Come see us at Helicopter-Expo 2023 booth 3430 to see it in person!

AVPanels has developed an affordable, best in class STC glass cockpit upgrade for the operator’s helicopter. The core solution is based around BendixKing’s award winning AeroVue Touch Primary and Multi-Function touch screen display system and the AeroNav 800/900 integrated navigator.
Along with providing a significant improvement in situational awareness and corresponding improvement in safety, it is designed as a scalable solution allowing you to meet mandates, contract requirements and to address analogue reliability issues.
AeroVue Touch is feature rich and includes SmartView™ Synthetic Vision (derived from Honeywell Epic platforms) that provides the pilot unprecedented situational awareness during the most demanding phases of flight.
The AeroNav 800/900 GPS navigator complements many of the AeroVue Touch’s capabilities with a host of features, including a 4.8/5.7-inch high-resolution display, hybrid control via touchscreen, buttons or knobs, 3D terrain, obstacle and traffic displays, predictive terrain collision alerting, and more.
This core suite of avionics is available with a range of additional upgrades including:
RADAR Altimeter display and Integration
ADSB in/Traffic
UAT option with Wi-Fi
3D Audio with Bluetooth